2020 plan priorities

2020 plan priorities

1.Increase and diversification of exports. Secure your payment. The approved plan is minimal.
2. Import substitution, focusing on the products that are imported today.
3.Efficiency of the investment process.
4.Maintain and increase saving measures.
5.Decrease imports for tourism and increase the participation of the national industry.
6. Productive linkage with foreign investment.
7.Power local development projects.
8.Advancing the country's monetary system and the improvement of the state company.
9.Foster links between all economic actors: state sector; non-state sector and foreign investment.
10. Take advantage of the opportunities of the approved measures to boost the economy.
11.Ensure compliance with foreign exchange earnings and retail market circulation, based on the country's external and internal financial balance.
12.Take advantage of the contribution of the academy, the scientific potential and the university-business bond.