The Methodological Guidelines for the Preparation of the 2020 Plan are reviewed annually, bearing in mind the need to respond to the changes in the Cuban economy and the foreseeable scenario for the year to be planned, in view of the updating of the economic model, the recently approved Constitution of the Republic, the process of implementation of the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines of the Party and the Revolution and the objectives of the 2030 National Economic and Social Development Plan (PNDES 2030).
Resolución No. 280/2019 del Ministro del MEP que modifica un grupo de indicadores directivos a emitir e incorpora nuevos sujetos de plan.
Resolution 23/2020 on the control of the plan and the 2020 economy, annexes the indications.
Breakdown of the Plan
Once the figures for the Plan for the year 2019 have been approved, it is necessary to organize the tasks for their disaggregation, the fundamental stage of the national economy planning process.
Annex: Indications for the Disaggregation of the 2020 Plan. Resolution No. 427/19 MEP Disaggregation of the 2020 Plan
Annex 1: Permanent savings measures.
Taken from the Minister of Economy and Planning, on the Main Aspects of the 2020 Economy Plan, in ANPP on December 20, 2019.
Annex 2: The 28 measures to continue advancing in the improvement of the Socialist State Enterprise.
Taken from the presentation presentation, from the Minister of Economy and Planning, on the main aspects of
2020 Economy Plan, in ANPP December 20, 2019.
From April 2018 to March 2019, the period covered by this report, the resurgence of the blockade continued to be the central axis of the United States (US) government's policy towards Cuba, with effects every time most notable in its extraterritorial application. The US strategy focused on consolidating the confrontation and hostility, both at the declarative level and in the execution of measures of economic aggression against the country.
Learn about Cuba and the Sustainable Development Goals: The 2030 Agenda is a State commitment and a national priority. Reaffirmed in the 1st National Voluntary Report. The National Economic and Social Development Plan (PNDES) by 2030 aligned to the SDGs. The SDG National Group (MEP Resolution 233/2018): articulate the objectives and goals of the 2030 Agenda with the Strategic Axes and Sectors defined in the National Economic and Social Development Plan.
PNDES 2030
El Ministerio de Economía y Planificación, rector del proceso de planificación de la economía nacional, es el organismo que conduce la elaboración del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Económico y Social hasta el año 2030 (PNDES 2030). El PNDES 2030 constituirá una herramienta principal para lograr los objetivos esenciales que se anuncian en la Conceptualización de Modelo Económico y Social Cubano de Desarrollo Socialista.